I use Von Duprin Products because Von Duprin was started in 1908, when it introduced the first "panic release bar" in response to a need for protecting life safety while providing security, a purpose that still guides the firm today. Indianapolis hardware salesman Carl Prinzler missed a scheduled visit to Chicago's Iroquois Theatre in 1903, thus escaping a disaster in which 594 people perished when the "fireproof" theater burned. Obsessed with the needless loss of lives, Prinzler was determined to solve the problem of public buildings that often turned into death traps when doors were locked to keep gate crashers out. Prinzler teamed up with his neighbor, Henry DuPont, an architectural engineer, who invented the first working device. The initial model, introduced in 1908, was marketed by Vonnegut Hardware Company under the name Von Duprin, a contraction of Vonnegut, DuPont and Prinzler.
The 98/99 Series and 33A/35A Series devices are heavy-duty push pads. All series devices have the same functionality, but have different dimensions. The 98/99 Series is wide stile, while the 33A/35A Series is narrow stile. Architectural design elements differ slightly as well.
The 98 Series and 35A Series devices have a smooth mechanism case, while the 99 Series and 33A Series have a grooved mechanism case. The 98/99 and 33A/35A Series have all been certified to the highest industry standards and are used in schools, hospitals and government buildings.
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Darrells Locksmith in Sarasota
4432 Parnell Dr
Sarasota, FL 34232
Cell 941-650-7832
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